Fixed arrival limit time :

2300 hrs LT North of lat. 29 42. 8 N. limited by long. 32 23 .1 E & Long. 32 41 .5 E..

In favorable navigational conditions, the limit time for arrivals from South can be extended as shown below :

  • When arriving between 2300 hrs LT and 2400 hrs LT, ships can join the northbound convoy at payment of a surcharge
    equal to
    (5%) of the normal transit dues with a maximum of SDR 12500.

  • When arriving after 2400 hrs LT and up to 0100 hrs LT, ships can join the northbound convoy at payment of a surcharge
    equal to
    (10%) of the normal transit dues with a maximum of SDR 25000.

  • Vessels arriving after 0100 hrs LT, may join the northbound convoy (if traffic conditions permit) at payment of a surcharge
    equal to
    (12%) of the normal transit dues with a maximum of SDR 30000, subject to Suez Canal Authority approval.

Group Movement: From 0400 hrs LT to 0830 hrs LT.